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CBD Oil in Florida

Everything You Need to Know

CBD Oil in Florida [ 2019 ]

If you are looking to buy CBD oil in Florida and would like to discover how cannabidiol (CBD Oil) can benefit your health, then this post is for you. We've created a comprehensive guide, full of facts you will want to know. You will learn about the most recent, scientific discoveries made public, by trusted institutions, about the health effects of cannabinoids. Plus, the "real world" medical applications being used to treat illnesses in 2019, with CBD oil Florida patients can buy legally.


What is CBD Oil?

Cannabidiol, AKA, CBD oil refers to the cannabinoids (CBD) extracted from marijuana-hemp plants and then infused into the oil. That's the physical description of " what CBD oil is? " but there is so much more to it than just the physical characteristics. Mainly, what CBD oil can do to benefit health one's health. However, it's important to mention that cannabinoids are fat-soluble, which is why you see CBD oil for sale in Florida and not much else. The oil can be infused into different products like edibles, oils, gummies, energy drinks, and more. But still, CBD oil is the precursor to them all.

Is CBD Oil Legal In Florida?

One of the biggest questions most people are asking about is CBD oil legal in Florida? The answer is a bit more complicated than you might expect. Since medical marijuana is legal in Florida, then CBD oil must be legal in Florida as well, right?

The answer is yes, and there are actually a couple of reasons why.


First, and the most widely understood, is that ALL CBD oil is legal in Florida, providing that it meets the requirements of the 2018 Farm Bill, which was recently signed into law. The new legislation broadly legalized " industrial hemp " as a taxable commodity. Because in the USA, which includes Florida, CBD oil derived from hemp-plants, with less than .08% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is legal in 2019.

Can Anyone Buy CBD Oil in Florida Dispensaries?

This is where it gets a bit tricky because ONLY state-approved medical marijuana patients may buy the CBD oil Florida dispensaries sell. Some of the CBD oils in FL dispensaries wouldn't meet THC restrictions for the 2018 Farm Bill anyways.  Often times they have a 1:1 ratio and others may contain much higher THC content, specifically designed for patients to manage their symptoms. 

The nice thing about legalization on the state level is that approved dispensaries are monitored, and must meet strict quality control standards, put into place, to protect patients taking CBD oil in Florida. 

Verified Health & Wellness Benefits of CBD Oil

The massive popularity of using cannabidiol has fueled many studies into the effects, both positive and negative from using CBD oil for health & wellness purposes. The medical community along with official government agencies like the NIH & the FDA, have collected data and publically posted their findings. 


One of the most conclusive studies shows that CBD oil can help reduce anxiety and depression, while preventing the acute onset, of extreme panic attacks.  [ 3-year study by the NIH ]


The majority of Americans suffer from some degree of pain which ranges from chronic joint inflammation to more serious injuries, and illnesses. According to 2019, marijuana for pain study, by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), cannabinoids have promising pain-reducing effects. Marijuana showed effective as a pain treatment for symptoms from illnesses, along with pain from injuries. 


A promising use for CBD oil in Florida comes from several studies that showed cannabinoids,  particularly CBD oil, can greatly reduce the symptoms of withdrawal, the leading cause of relapse and perpetual addiction. 

Where Can I Buy CBD Oil in Florida?

To reiterate our previous statement, anyone can buy CBD oil in Florida, legally, provided it meets the federal, and state standards. However, it's still up to each person to determine the best CBD oil in Florida for 2019. There is a lot of competition, which is good, and bad, depending on how you look at it.


In some cases, where a patient gets a medical recommendation (MMJ) from a certified doctor, it can include, pharmaceutical-grade CBD oil, Florida dispensary produce, and then sell. So if you have a medical marijuana card, then you can buy Florida's finest, state-sanctioned CBD oil.

If you can't qualify, or can't afford a medical marijuana card, then you can still buy CBD oil in Florida legally in 2019. Many manufacturers and resellers offer websites, which sell cannabidiol legally, under federal laws. Just do a Google search for "CBD oil in Florida " and you will find a selection of online sellers, along with physical stores locations. 

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